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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition along with Stop the Silence Spokane, has created a fun and easy way that your business can participate in the End the Violence campaign. 

Reports and data have shown us that Spokane experiences higher rates of domestic violence than anywhere else in Washington state. Domestic violence is the leading cause of homicides in Spokane county and calls to law enforcement have increased by 40% over the last year.

In May 2021, SRDVC released a 5-year strategic plan. A major part of that plan is to increase awareness of domestic violence and access to domestic violence resources in the Spokane region. Another major part of that plan is to partner with local businesses, such as yours, to spread awareness and support. 


End the Violence: Purple for a Purpose is a drink promotion that highlights purple drinks to raise awareness about domestic violence in Spokane. Purple is the color of the official domestic violence ribbon nationwide so highlighting a purple drink is the perfect and easy way to show your support.  Whether you provide huckleberry coffee, lavender lemonade, grape cordial, or your own personal purple cocktail, you can help us raise awareness by highlighting your Purple for a Purpose drink throughout October. 

SRDVC and Stop the Silence will provide you with resource fliers, an SRDVC poster, and printable promotional images that you can use to promote the End the Violence: Purple for a Purpose drink promotion. We will also highlight your participation on our social media pages and other media releases.

You are not required to give any donation or a portion of your proceeds, however, SRDVC and Stop the Silence are registered 501c3 organizations and would be happy to give you a tax-deductible receipt for any support you offer. Your donations go toward helping SRDVC and Stop the Silence campaigns that create a Spokane community culture of prevention and support for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, child abuse and stalking. 

If this sounds like a fun and easy way to spread awareness, please sign up at by Sept 25, 2021. Let us know that you are joining us for End the Violence: Purple for a Purpose drink promotion so we can get the print materials to you. You may also send any questions to

Partnering with businesses such as yours is what makes the End the Violence campaign a success and we appreciate your willingness to help us End the Violence here in Spokane.                           

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© 2021 Stop The Silence

Changing Lives and Healing Hearts Fed ID 85-1156058

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